
This is The Rekola Letter where I distill important concepts (about life, self-discovery, and filmmaking)— quickly and succinctly. Earning you, time back to enjoy the silence.

Hi, I’m Mike Rekola

I'm an executive producer of feature films, tv, and other projects. I am also a consulting producer for various endeavors ranging from global brands, non-profits, national startups, and more. “A rising tide lifts all ships,” is a common phrase I repeat.

Michael P. Rekola (forefront) on set.

My work has been featured in places like ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, NBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and hundreds more. 

In addition to writing, I am a regular guest on podcasts.

I split my time between Washington, DC, and our 5th generation family farm in Connecticut, with my wife Kaitlin, our daughter Emmi, and son Wyatt. I support Premier League side, Manchester United.

But, what does it actually mean to produce?

To produce……is to orchestrate a crew for a job at a location according to an idea and aesthetic.

This requires logistical planning, budget balancing, organization of people and places, and creative improvisation.

It is to oversee a project and ensure smooth and successful production.

This is what a producer does best.

We are creative and critical thinkers, an independent and collaborative team member, that is organized and a meticulous manager.

In short, a producer makes shit happen.

Success is simple: something made regardless of medium (short, feature, or pilot).

grayscale photo of camera on table
Photo by Auke Bakker on Unsplash

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A proven Executive Producer who writes about filmmaking, self-discovery, music, & Manchester United. Husband • Father • Stokelord. (he/him)